Meridian Community Primary School and Nursery is in Peacehaven, East Sussex, and seven miles outside of the historic city of Brighton. The school is situated between the beautiful hills of the South Downs and the south coast, so we benefit from having both countryside and sea close at hand. We are a two-form entry primary school with sixteen classes from Reception to Year Six and a Nursery class (age range 2 - 4 years old). We are fortunate to have two large playgrounds, a large playing field and Forest School area which the children can access as part of the curriculum.
In our most recent Ofsted inspection (June 2024) it was agreed that the school GOOD with OUSTANDING features for 'Behaviour & Attitudes' and 'Personal Development'. Click here for our latest report. See also Headteacher's welcome.
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'Air on the G String' by Johann Sebastian Bach. Nice and relaxing this week! Did you know J S Bach had at least 20 children? How he got enough peace and quiet to write music I'll never know!